Capital and Interest Mortgages

Capital and interest, or Repayment mortgages as they are better known, are the main choice of lenders and clients as the vehicle to repay their mortgage over the agreed term.
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Capital & Interest Mortgage Questions and Answers

Capital and Interest mortgages are what it says on the tin. You repay each month some capital and some of the interest, with each repayment that you make. In the early years of a 25 year mortgage most of the monthly repayment would be interest. It would not be until around year ten that you would start to see the capital reducing by sizeable amounts.

Shorter & Longer Term Mortgages

Pros and Cons of a Repayment Mortgage

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Capital & Interest Mortgages

How much capital will I repay?

The amount of capital you repay in each year will depend upon how the interest is calculated, which could be anything ranging between daily and annually. If you are having your interest calculated on a daily basis you would be repaying far less interest over the mortgage term and you should try and look for this type of repayments. You can also vary the amount of capital you repay with the agreement of the lender by structuring only a part of your total mortgage to be on capital and interest and the balance on interest only. This will of course lower your monthly repayment to make it more affordable and you can change the spilt over the mortgage term as your income increases.

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Turned down elsewhere? We can help!

Whether you have been discharged 3 years or 12 months – it doesn’t matter, we can help.

We’ve been helping discharged bankrupts get back on to their feet and back on to the property ladder despite their circumstances.  Arranging a bad credit mortgage or mortgage product for discharged bankrupts is a scenario we regularly deal with.  Even if you have a history of bankruptcy and resposession we have access to whole of market lenders who will consider your application on various factors.

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